Review: The Day That A Ran Away by B.C.R. Fegan and illustrated by Lenny Wen
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Master Jet has forgotten to complete his homework… or has he? Jet’s teacher is surprised to find that instead of the alphabet, his page is completely blank. Jet tries to explain that it really isn’t his fault. After all, how can he help it, if none of his letters want to stay on the page!
What a cute, fun story to teach children the alphabet. The Day That A Ran Away, is creative, has an engaging story and is complemented by beautiful illustrations.
The book centers around a boy named, Master Jet. You know how kids use excuses why their homework isn’t done? This was a real classic. When his teachers goes to check his home, the page in his book is empty. His teacher can only assume that he forgot to do it but he tries to reassure her that he did. If he did, what happened to it? The answer lies in a fun story that your young reader will not only be exited about the alphabet but make you smile as well.
I really loved this book. I know many of you parents out there are having a hard time finding a way to make learning them fun. I encourage reading this book aloud because it will make the experience enjoyable. Since they ran away, the catchy rhythmic flow with the curiosity of where they went will keep them engaged. The colorful illustrations are filled with youthful, joyful expressions having their own little personalities. Not sure if this was meant to be but there were images that coincide with the letters that make an additional learning element that adds to the fun.
If you are looking for a way to introduce the alphabet in a fun way, I recommend checking this one out. You will not only learn but have a good time doing it.